HLA Certification

HLA Certification
The Humanistic Leadership Academy offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to develop leaders who can create positive change at multiple levels- from personal growth to societal impact. The program includes four progressive levels, each with a certification that can be awarded with the completion of each level.

Being in the HLA cohort helped me to connect with others who are passionate about creating a more just and equitable world. The HLA goal of helping to create a world where all can flourish needs us to work together and collaborate to make this dream a reality.
Creighton University, Summer 2023 Cohort
Integrated Curriculum
Each certification level includes learning elements from three different modalities:
- Cohort- live virtual engagement with others on the same journey of personal growth
- Asynchronous- modules, videos, and materials for self-study
- Application- a project to put one’s learnings into practice
Certification can be conferred when all three components for that level are completed.
Be/Know/Do Development Framework
HLA Curriculum is built to develop humanistic leaders that move beyond the purely intellectual and create change in our world through their way of Being each and every day. Each level includes learning experiences that provide development in a combination of Being, Knowing, and Doing- with Being elements growing in frequency and magnitude as one continues in the curriculum.

Certification Levels
The curriculum is designed to meet each educator and changemaker where they are currently and bring them along a journey to develop the mindset and skills to be a humanistic leader in the world. The four level program includes:
Level 1
Inspires participants, wherever they are today, to see the opportunity to grow themselves and their relationships, and provides the skills and community to begin the journey.
Level 2
Builds on the critical topics in level one with acknowledgement of their role as a leader in their teams and organization. This level focuses on applying skills to make a difference.
Level 3
Continues to develop the humanistic leader as changemaker in their community, taking ownership to co-create the learning experience with others on the journey.
Level 4
You become a leader in your daily way of Being, achieving a mastery level of humanistic leadership concepts, skills, and awareness.
Certification Levels as a Journey of Being/Knowing/Doing
Level 1: Individual and Interpersonal
Introducing core principles of Humanistic Leadership: Focus on KNOWING core concepts with Elements of DOING and BEING.
Value Proposition: Participants will Explore Humanistic Leadership principles (Knowing), Apply them to SELF (Doing), and Experience their personal and professional growth in a cohort of like-minded colleagues (Being /Becoming).
Level 2: Teams and Communities
Emphasizes team development and community building. Focus on DOING core concepts in community with Elements of Knowing and BEING
Value Proposition: Participants will Deepen their Understanding of Humanistic Leadership principles (Knowing), Apply them to OTHERS (Doing) and Experience their personal and professional growth in a cohort of like- minded colleagues (Being /Becoming).
Level 3: Organizational Transformation
Focuses on implementing change at the organizational level. Focus on BEING and DOING with elements of Knowing.
Value Proposition: Participants will Further Deepen their Understanding of Humanistic Leadership principles (Knowing), Apply them to their Organization (Doing) and Experience their personal and professional growth in a cohort of like-minded colleagues (Being /Becoming).
Level 4: Societal Leadership
Expands focus to broader societal impact and leadership. Focus on BEING a Humanistic Leader with Elements of KNOWING and DOING
Value Proposition: Participants will Further Deepen their Understanding of Humanistic Leadership principles (Knowing), Apply them to Society at Large(Doing), and Experience themselves in a cohort of like-minded colleagues (Being /Becoming).

Being part of and belonging to this program makes me understand that human vitality is a factor that is up to us to transcend. I personally believe that being able to live this experience made me understand how I can better understand the perspective of others in my actions. I have seen how other colleagues who have been part of the program begin to have a fuller control of their well-being and complement not only their personal development but also that of the people around them.
David Capistrán-Wah
Tec de Monterrey, Fall 2023 Cohort
How Do I Begin?
We welcome you to join our community of learning at any time. You can begin in either of two ways:
- Asynchronous Learning- begin your journey by completing four learning modules at your own pace. You can access them here.
- Sign-up for the Level 1 Development Cohort- this 7-week, live-virtual experience will help connect you to the humanistic leadership community and provide foundational understanding of what humanistic leadership is and how you can apply it in your work. Find dates for next sessions and apply here.
With a vision to create a global movement towards a world that works for everyone, these initial steps can be completed at no cost. Level 1 Certification is conferred with the completion of these steps, a project applying new learnings, and payment of $250. Subsequent levels of certification will have accompanying payment as well. Scholarships are available- inquiries can be made to HLA Founder Michael Pirson at [email protected].

How is the Certification delivered?
HLA reviews completion records for asynchronous learning, cohorts, and projects at the conclusion of each semester- Spring, Summer, and Fall. We will send certifications to everyone who has completed all three elements and logged their payment. Certification includes an A4 sized certificate and a badge that can be used on email signatures and social media accounts.