Humanistic Leadership Academy Webinar Series

The Humanistic Leadership Academy is pleased to announce our newest upcoming Webinar Series to engage practitioners and leaders across business schools globally. We have the privilege to hear insights from four new inspirational speakers to share their wisdom with our network.  More information on each session can be found in the schedule below. To be notified of our next Webinar Series, please register HERE!

Leading with Dignity
Donna Hicks
How can leaders can use the Dignity Model as a framework for understanding creating a culture than brings out the best in people? The Dignity Model and how it has been used to address numerous leadership challenges in the corporate world, healthcare, education, governments and organizations of all kinds. Participants will walk away with a concrete understanding of what dignity is and is not, the neuroscience of dignity and what it looks like to have “dignity consciousness.
The Practical Wisdom of Leading with Love
Matthew Lee
People are increasingly realizing that leading with love is an expression of practical wisdom in the service of organizational effectiveness and a flourishing planet.  But what is love?  Or flourishing?  Or leadership?  This presentation will share wisdom from the humanities and social sciences about these questions and then invite conversation so that all participants are able to contribute to answers that might inform daily practice in all social settings.
Creating a Finer Future
Hunter Lovins
Hunter will describe the challenges facing business and society these days and how to shift these to she and her colleagues at NOW Partners call Regenerative Value Creation. The science news seems ever grimmer, but we have all of the solutions we need to create a finer future. Hunter will cover those particularly relevant to dealing with the climate crisis: renewable energy and regenerative agriculture, and why the practice of humanistic management is especially important now.
Economics of Mutuality: A New Paradigm for Mutual Value Creation
Jay Jakub
The Economics of Mutuality (EoM)  is a new paradigm for mutual value creation that is transforming business operating models for the common good through measurable impact for people, place, and the planet. Expanding the definition of corporate performance beyond one form of capital – financial capital – to encompass social, human, and natural capital, EoM is delivering new metrics and management practices to businesses around the world to pragmatically implement purpose-driven stakeholder capitalism in profitable and scalable ways.

Meet Our Speakers!

Donna Hicks

Dr. Donna Hicks is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. Dr. Hicks facilitated dialogues in numerous unofficial diplomatic efforts in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Colombia, Cuba, Libya and Syria. She was a consultant to the BBC in Northern Ireland where she co-facilitated a television series, Facing the Truth, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. She consults to governments, corporations, schools, churches, and non-governmental organizations  Her book, Dignity:  Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflictwas published by Yale University Press in 2011. Her second book, Leading with Dignity:  How to Create a Culture That Brings Out the Best in Peoplewas published by Yale University Press in August 2018.

Matthew Lee

Matthew T. Lee, Ph.D., is Professor of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University. He is also a Research Associate and Director of the Human Flourishing Program’s Flourishing Network at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. His most recent work focuses on the intersection of flourishing, leadership, and love. Matthew seeks to integrate the deep wisdom of the humanities with the rigorous methods of social science in collaborations that advance flourishing for people and planet.  He is currently leading a working group on the relationship between showing love and care to others and flourishing for the Global Flourishing Study, a collaborative venture of Baylor, Harvard, Gallup, and the Center for Open Science that is active in 22 countries.  He is the lead editor of the book “Measuring Well-Being” and co-editing a book on “Leadership for Flourishing,” both with Oxford University Press.

Hunter Lovins

Hunter is founder and President of Natural Capitalism Solutions. A consultant to scores of industries and governments worldwide Hunter has briefed heads of state, leaders of the hundreds of governments Chief Impact Officer Hunter is author of 16 books and hundreds of articles. She has won dozens of awards, including the Right Livelihood Award. Time Magazine recognized her as a Millennium Hero for the Planet, and Newsweek called her the Green Business Icon. Her most recent book, A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life describes how to meet such challenges as the climate crisis, meeting humanity’s energy, food, economic development and sustainability.

Jay Jakub

Jay Jakub is a leader in the Economics of Mutuality (EoM) Alliance, which consists of two public benefit non-profits – Economics of Mutuality Foundation and Human Flourishing Foundation – that own two for profits – the Mutual Value Labs consultancy and the Mutual Value Investments private equity company, respectively.  All are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, but Jay is based in the Washington, DC area.  He is the co-author of  the first EoM book, Completing Capitalism:  Heal Business to Heal the World, and is a contributing co-author of Putting Purpose into Practice:  The Economics of Mutuality.  Jay spent 14 years working in the global headquarters of Mars, Inc., the iconic family owned, privately held chocolate and pet care company, where he helped the Mars Chief Economist lead the firm’s internal think tank that created the EoM business model, management and investment innovation that is transforming businesses for the common good and is the basis for the Alliance.