Black Belt Cohort Program: Mastery As A Way Of Being

We are excited to offer a new program for our HLA Professor Cohort Graduates! Welcoming our graduates to practice a new way of “Being”, by practicing curiosity through our Black Belt Cohort Program.

The Black Belt program of the Humanistic Leadership Academy is a guided inquiry designed to unveil your true potential and discover your abilities as a humanistic leader This program includes six weekly virtual sessions.

A set of dialogues offer a unique insight into the ontological nature of Mastery and its benefits. This will lead to a deep understanding of ‘Mastery as a way of being’™. These conversations begin to examine what this type of mastery could offer you, the education sector and your community.

Our primary goal is to transform business and education and prepare humanistic leaders for the present and future. The program strives to cultivate each participant’s identity as a Humanistic Leader, promoting an innovative approach to education through a journey of guided discovery with their students.

We aim to explore the possibility: Could our very existence and way of being serve to create a world that works for all of humanity?

If you are interested in joining the HLA Black Belt Cohort Program, please scroll below to fill out your application and read our recent Black Belt Graduates’ testimonies!

Meet Your Facilitator!

Dafydd Snowdon Jones

Dafydd is an accomplished executive coach, entrepreneur and educator, who lives his commitment of creating a world that works for all. He has been working with global leaders, inventors and luminaries across the world. As a result of his multidisciplinary and multi-faceted interactions, he developed his own “Transformative Inquiry” methodology, fostering a deeper level of collaboration, creativity and connection between individuals and teams.

Dafydd is also the co-founder of the Humanistic Leadership Academy, partnering with global  organizations with the goal of  transforming business education. His focus is on training the trainers and on cultivating the Humanistic Leaders of tomorrow. He passionately supports organizations and initiatives pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), creating structured frameworks and facilitating innovative solutions.

Black Belt Program Graduate Testimonies

After completing the HLA Black Belt Program, I feel more at peace with myself than I ever have before, Not being the quantum particle excited beyond its orbit but finding the place I need to be.”

Black Belt Program Graduate, Winter 2024

“The HLA Black Belt Program has helped me explore Mastery and how it can be understood as the transcendence of oneself from individualism to altruism. An inspiring self-journey of rising above oneself in the pursuit of the greatest good of the greatest number.

Black Belt Program Graduate, Winter 2024

After completing the HLA Black Belt Program, I see the significant importance of delving into the depths of self-awareness and understanding as integral parts of leadership’.”

Black Belt Program Graduate, Winter 2024

“The HLA Black Belt Program is a very special and valued journey. The whole experience was really beautiful, inspiring and extraordinary. Brilliant!”

Black Belt Program Graduate, Winter 2024