Our most recent Humanistic Leadership Academy Webinar Series is now available on demand! This webinar series, originally March 7th-28th, includes four distinguished scholars speaking on the topics of humanistic leadership, dignity, human flourishing, sustainability and mutual value creation. ClickHERE to view this Webinar Series Playlist on YouTube.
Tune in for these webinars to hear these esteemed leaders’ valuable insights and humanistic perspectives. Information on each webinar and speaker can be found below, linked with the webinar recording. You can also read more HERE.
If you are interested in more engagement with scholars like these and opportunities to learn more humanistic philosophies, be sure to check out our upcoming conference, Transforming Business and Education for Flourishing, in partnership with International Humanistic Management Association and other HLA partners, June 3-7th in NYC. Visit the conference website HERE to learn more about conference speakers, workshops, topics, schedule and registration!
How can leaders can use the Dignity Model as a framework for understanding creating a culture than brings out the best in people? The Dignity Model and how it has been used to address numerous leadership challenges in the corporate world, healthcare, education, governments and organizations of all kinds. Participants will walk away with a concrete understanding of what dignity is and is not, the neuroscience of dignity and what it looks like to have “dignity consciousness.
The Practical Wisdom of Leading with Love – Matthew Lee
People are increasingly realizing that leading with love is an expression of practical wisdom in the service of organizational effectiveness and a flourishing planet. But what is love? Or flourishing? Or leadership? This presentation will share wisdom from the humanities and social sciences about these questions and then invite conversation so that all participants are able to contribute to answers that might inform daily practice in all social settings.
Hunter will describe the challenges facing business and society these days and how to shift these to she and her colleagues at NOW Partners call Regenerative Value Creation. The science news seems ever grimmer, but we have all of the solutions we need to create a finer future. Hunter will cover those particularly relevant to dealing with the climate crisis: renewable energy and regenerative agriculture, and why the practice of humanistic leadership is especially important now.
Economics of Mutuality: A New Paradigm for Mutual Value Creation – Jay Jakub
The Economics of Mutuality (EoM) is a new paradigm for mutual value creation that is transforming business operating models for the common good through measurable impact for people, place, and the planet. Expanding the definition of corporate performance beyond one form of capital – financial capital – to encompass social, human, and natural capital, EoM is delivering new metrics and management practices to businesses around the world to pragmatically implement purpose-driven stakeholder capitalism in profitable and scalable ways.