We are pleased to announce the publication of the HLA Fall 2023 Webinar Series online.
This week’s highlight is ‘The Evolutionary Case of Leadership’ with David Sloan Wilson, originally recorded in November 2023. In this webinar David Sloan Wilson expands the boundaries of traditional leadership concepts and inspires with evolutionary insights that can be translated into classroom wisdom.
David Sloan Wilson is a renowned evolutionary biologist and a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences and Anthropology at Binghamton University. He is the co-founder and president of the Evolution Institute, the first think tank to formulate public policy from a modern evolutionary perspective, and co-founder of Prosocial Magazine, part of the Prosocial Movement.
David Sloan Wilson has made foundational contributions to evolutionary science and its applications to human affairs. He is the author of two pivotal books in cultural evolution: Does Altruism Exist—Culture, Genes and the Welfare of Others and This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution.
Join our Spring 2024 Professor Cohort!
For further engagement with the HLA in our mission to transform business education to create a world that works for 100% of humanity, please join our upcoming 2024 Spring Cohort – beginning February 16th. This series consists of seven one-hour sessions, diving into key leadership topics such as care, accountability, trust and contemporary economic insights, all tailored for the academic setting.
Register by completing this application form or learn more on our Professor Cohort Program page.